Sunday, February 26, 2012

40 Ways My Labyrinth is Like My Life--#3

3. It has a quiet place at the center.

This is possibly the most special thing about the labyrinth--not just that it has a quiet place, but that it reminds me that I have one, too. Really. No matter what chaos, excitement, sorrow, joy, frustration, or loneliness is swirling around my head and through my guts and all the way down, down---
Not quite.
There's always one more step, one more corner to turn, one more hidden doorway, and there it is. The quiet center. A murmur of peace. A whisper of Spirit wind.
The lines of tension around my eyes smooth just a little. The muscles in my neck start to release, to unknot. My stomach churns a bit more slowly. My breathing calms.
A surprising light dawns behind my closed eyes, and I am not alone.
I never was.
I remember.
I re-member.
The door of my imprisoning ark opens, and the rainbow arches over a whole new world.

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